Welcome to SignUp's Help Pages

SignUp Version 6-19-00.00

SignUp is a webapplication that helps data-flow in a University Seminar.

Students can access their data; they can issue "commitments" to take tests, and monitor the results.

Students of "MA Editionswissenschaft & Textkritik" in Heidelberg can log into the system with their name, matriculation number and a password.

SignUp currently grants access to credits, commitments and a credit balance.

SignUp is a web-application that strives for maximum Web Accessibility. It implements the following access-keys (press [Alt]+[key] to follow the link, where [key] is one of the following numbers):
  • 0 -- Uni Heidelberg,
  • 1 -- Faculty,
  • 2 -- Institute,
  • 3 -- Search,
  • 4 -- Contact,
  • 5 -- Change Language,
  • 6 -- Top of Page,
  • 7 -- UnivIS,
  • 8 -- Help,
  • 9 -- Information about SignUp