Email notification (new since Feb. 2008)

Opting in and out

After logging in, you can save your email address in section 'Personal Data'. Activate "Notify me" in order to be notified.

When "notify me" is active, you'll receive an email with each new credit that is stored in SignUp. The email contains the class type and your grade.

You can opt-out again at any time.

The default is that you're not notified.

Privacy considerations

Your email address will not be sold or otherwise made known to third parties. Nevertheless you should be aware that this email notification is sent unencryptedly. The contents of an unencrypted email are about as private as a postcard.


Usually, notification emails are sent without fault or delay. But you should be aware of possible glitches:
  • If the mailserver is down, or otherwise unavailable, at the moment when your credit is saved in SignUp, you will not be notified.
  • If a credit is saved in SignUp, then altered (e.g. corrected) and saved again, you will only be notified once: about the first — erroneous — credit. So, to be sure, you should always double-check the information in your SignUp-account.
  • Emails can very easily be forged. Also, as stated above, the notification might be wrong. This is why you can never have a credit issued with just the notification email as evidence for your grade.

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